Chapter 5
Cheloh, cheloh! Here we go!
The driver opened his door and lifted himself on board. He folded his hands and said a prayer; then leaned his elbow on the horn and let it sound for a few deafening seconds.
'Cheloh, cheloh', they were shouting outside, while the bus started to manoeuvre in reverse, aided by a couple of people on the ground who made sure it wasn't going to hit anyone. They were off! The passengers were excited, talking loudly and laughing, in the knowledge that they could now sit back and be taken to their destination....
'Cheloh, cheloh', they were shouting outside, while the bus started to manoeuvre in reverse, aided by a couple of people on the ground who made sure it wasn't going to hit anyone. They were off! The passengers were excited, talking loudly and laughing, in the knowledge that they could now sit back and be taken to their destination....
For chapter 6 click here : Chapter 6