Chapter 31
Life is beautiful!
The bus was running and Maria was looking at the fertile Goan landscape, with its bright green fields. She wasn't so sure she had made the right decision; she could have waited another week, after all. Why had she left? To put him to the test? To put herself to the test? She could only send him Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, now that she knew it would reach him, and hope that he would come and join her. She looked around.
The young man next to her introduced himself, he was Swiss-French, travelling with a couple of friends sitting behind them and they were all going to Hampi. It was a consolation to know she had already found some fellow travellers.....................
The young man next to her introduced himself, he was Swiss-French, travelling with a couple of friends sitting behind them and they were all going to Hampi. It was a consolation to know she had already found some fellow travellers.....................
Like a film in slow motion, she saw one of the women stand up, take the sari she was washing and, holding one end in her hand, launch it into the water. The five yards of fabric came undone, slowly freeing their whole length along the river's flow. She shouted something that Maria didn't understand. The other woman stood up, too, and did the same with one of her saris. Maria glimpsed one coloured stripe, and then another, coming loose and floating above the green water, swelling with air bubbles here and there. She was approaching them, driven by the current. She couldn't miss the hold..................
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