I have just finish reading
you wonderful book Made In Nirvana
and as a slow reader
it was with me this last summer
and it was a big pleasure.
I found it as a great insight
to what it was like to be a traveler to India
in the late 70's
and it was so nice to be reminded by
all the things we go through when we are on the road
in those days
with no internet/mobile phones
where Magic was Magic
meeting all these amazing people
both locals and travellers .
I found myself there, in the book
more then once
having done this journey in 1984
first to south america
and then to nepal and thailand
(1984 and israeli passport holder needed
to enter india only on an organised trip
and then cut of the trip
so i did miss india then)
but i did meet my love Anna
on these travels
I too had to decide between Anna and Terri
an american girl i was in love with till i met Anna in Greece .
to make a long story short.
I loved reading your book
and I have no idea how much of it
is based on your true travel
but I'll be happy to hear more
when we se us next.
it was a great read with great insights and
moments of suspense
Thank you so much
with love